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Marc André Meyers

Listen to Marc André Meyers VO Luxembourgish

Marc André Meyers is an engineer and university professor at the University of California in San Diego (USA).

Marc André Meyers was born in 1946 and raised in João Monlevade as the eldest of four brothers.

His father Henri Meyers started working in João Monlevade as a Luxembourgish engineer in 1939 and worked his way up to the position of industrial director of the plant.

In 2013, Marc wrote a largely contested book about Louis Ensch and life in João Monlevade called “A Dama e o Luxemburguês”.

He describes the book as a blend between historical facts, fiction and autobiographical elements from his childhood in João Monlevade.

Marc cleverly spices up the story with fictional elements purposely blurring the lines between fiction and reality.